
Operations & Maintenance at gas-fired generation centers | Ecopetrol





Latin América


Refining & petrochemicals

Associated capabilities


MASA and Stork are in charge for long-term operations and maintenance contracts for gas generation centers at two oil fields of Ecopetrol S.A. in Colombia, Tello and Dina field, for the period 2006 to 2023.

Dina Gas Plant

Through a series of processes tailored to the field characteristics and potentialities, up to 10MSCFD (millions of standard cubic feet per day) are received to convert them into natural gas pipeline type, simultaneously extracting LPG and naphtha stabilized at commercial conditions. After 10 years of successful operation, the facility was transferred and continues to deliver benefits to the client.

Dina (DGC) and Tello (TGC) Generation centers

We have 36MW installed in two own generation centers with gas motor-generators, to transform associated or treated natural gas in electric energy to the client in parallel mode, isolated, or even starting in black.


•  ENERGY EFFICIENCY: The associated gas, considered a residue of crude oil production, now generates much of the electrical energy to sustain the field.

•  PRODUCTIVITY: Reduces dependence on electrical energy from external sources, reducing unscheduled shutdowns, improving availability, reliability and stability which means reducing losses. It has even reduced the load on the local network operator, and allows him, if necessary, to export surpluses to the network. On the other hand, delivering products such as LPG and naphtha from a "residual" gas allows the customer to generate additional revenue.

•  SUSTAINABLE SAVINGS: The client pays a rate per kWh that includes all the service, and ends up being cheaper than the average network rate at the application point. This is achieved through the application of modern resource management techniques and maintenance and asset management models, as well as ongoing Stork communication with the customer and other interested parties.

•  ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLY: With the application of high efficiency technologies, good environmental practices and appropriate O&M strategies within an integrated management system, there is a clean and environmentally friendly process.

•  FACILITY: The model of total outsourcing of service allows the client to focus on its business, while having an ally that responsibly and coordinated takes care of the entire life of the asset and the risk associated with its ownership and management. In addition, remuneration based on a production fee that encompasses all activities, and monitoring through key indicators, simplifies its administration.

Project details


  • Generation centre Dina: Power supply through a gas-fired generation center for operations management Huila,Tolima
  • Generation Centre Tello: Energy supply through a gas-fired generation center for the Tello field, until 31 December 2017
  • Generation Centre Tello: Service of natural gas transformation into energy through a gas generation centre for the GDH 2018-2023

Type of Facility:   Gas generation center

Industry:   Oil & Gas

Site Location:   Latin América - Colombia

Duration:  15 years / 9 years / 6 years

Staff: 15 O&M

Manhours:  130.000 MH/Year O&M

Contract type:   Built own operate maintain – produced unit rate

Equipment included:  Generation center with motor-generating units, auxiliary systems, common systems, substations

Equipment size:  Capacity 15MW installed modular expandable / Installed capacity 21MW modular